Allergen Data Collection: Sheep's Milk (Ovis spp.)
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 4(2):125-30 (2002) []
1 Prevalence of Sheep's Milk Allergy

1.1 Subjects with Atopic or Other Diseases
Country / Subjects Sensitivity / Allergy to References
France, Gif Sur Yvette / Paris
58 patients with CMA and specific IgE to bovine CAS
sheep's milk: ovine CAS 98% (RAST)
goat's milk: caprine CAS 93% (RAST)
rat's milk CAS 59% (RAST)
rabbit's milk CAS 57% (RAST)
Bernard et al. 1999
France, Pierre Benite
a) 580 patients with adverse reactions to food
b) 60 cases of anaphylaxis (study period 1984-92)
a) cow's milk 18%
b) ewe's milk (sheep's milk) 1.7%, cow's milk 3.3%
Andre et al. 1994
Italy, Palermo
21 hydrolysed protein formula intolerant infants with CMA (median age at diagnosis 2 months) treated with an ass' milk-based diet
goat's milk in 5/6 (DBPCFC)
sheep's milk in 4/7 (DBPCFC)
Carroccio et al. 2000

2 Symptoms of Sheep's Milk Allergy
Symptoms & Case Reports References
systemic reactions
anaphylaxis (1, 3), anaphylactoid reaction (6)

cutaneous symptoms
angioedema (2), swelling of eyelids (2), rhinoconjunctivitis (2), urticaria (2, 4), contact urticaria (5), generalized urticaria (2) 

gastrointestinal symptoms
oral pruritus (6)

respiratory symptoms
asthma (2, 4), dyspnea (2), allergic rhinitis (4)

(1) Andre et al. 1994
(2) Wüthrich & Johansson 1995
(3) Calvani & Alessandri 1998
(4) Fiocchi et al. 1999
(5) Umpierrez et al. 1999
(6) Orlando et al. 2000

3 Diagnostic Features of Sheep's Milk Allergy
Parameters / Subjects Outcome References
SPT, RAST, Clinical Reactivity without Sensitization to Cow's Milk
2-year old girl with allergy to goat's and sheep's cheese
Positive SPT to:
goat casein, sheep's milk, and sheep casein
Positive prick-to-prick test to:
goat's milk and cheese, sheep's milk and cheese
Negative SPT and prick-to-prick test to cow's milk
Positive RAST to:
goat's milk and casein, and sheep's milk and casein
Negative RAST to:
cow's milk and casein
Clinical reactivity to goat's cheese and sheep's cheese with tolerance of cow's milk and cheese
Umpierrez et al. 1999

4 Composition of Sheep's Milk

5 Allergens of Sheep's Milk
Proteins / Glycoproteins aa Sequence Allergen Nomenclature References
alpha-Lactalbumin [14 kDa] Swiss-Prot: P09462   Docena et al. 2002
beta-Lactoglobulin [18 kDa] Swiss-Prot: P02757   Docena et al. 2002
Serum Albumin [67 kDa] Swiss-Prot: P14639   Fiocchi et al. 1995, Docena et al. 2002
Caseins [22-31 kDa] Swiss-Prot: 
P04653 (alpha-S1)
P04654 (alpha-S2)
P11839 (beta)
P02669 (kappa)
  Umpierrez et al. 1999, Docena et al. 2002

6 Cross-Reactivities
Cross-Reacting Allergens Subjects / Methods References
Sheep's Milk
cow's and goat's milk, and modified cow's milk formulas
16 children with CMA: high inhibition of IgE- binding to cow's milk by goat's and sheep's milk, modified cows' milk formula and CAS formula (RAST inhibition) Dean et al. 1993
Sheep's Milk
cow's, goat's, and buffalo milk
6 children with CMA:
IgE- binding to milk allergens from cow, ewe, goat, and buffalo, but not from camel  (SDS-PAGE immunoblot, inhibition)
Restani et al. 1999
Sheep's Caseins
goat's, sheep's, and cow's milk
Inhibition of IgE- binding to goat's and sheep's CAS by cow's milk CAS in 1 adult (RAST inhibition) Wüthrich & Johansson 1995
Sheep's Caseins
whole casein fractions from cow, goat, ewe, rabbit and rat milk *
Sera from 58 patients with CMA and specific IgE to bovine CAS:
specific IgE titers:
bovine > ovine > caprine CAS;
79% and 66% of sera showed IgE-binding to rabbit-CAS and rat-CAS of <10% intensity as compared to bovine CAS (ELISA)
Bernard et al. 1999
Sheep's Caseins
goat's and sheep's milk
1 cow's milk tolerant child with goat's and sheep's milk allergy: high degree of cross-reactivity between goat's and sheep's milk CAS (RAST inhibition); IgE binding to allergens in goat's milk at 22, 27, and 31 kDa and sheep's milk at 31 kDa (SDS-PAGE immunoblot) Umpierrez et al. 1999
Sheep's alpha Caseins
goat's, sheep's, and cow's milk
17 children with CMA (immediate type): Inhibition of IgE binding to bovine alpha-CAS by alpha-CAS from cow, goat, and sheep (RAST inhibition), lower specific IgE levels to goat- and sheep alpha-CAS (RAST) Spuergin et al. 1997
*  multiple sensitization (not proved by inhibition-tests)
Unique Allergens Subjects / Methods References
Sheep's Caseins
goat's and sheep's vs cow's milk CAS
No inhibition of IgE- binding to goat's and sheep's CAS by cow's milk CAS in 1 adult (RAST inhibition) Wüthrich & Johansson 1995
Sheep's Caseins
goat's and sheep's vs cow's milk CAS
1 cow's milk tolerant child with goat's and sheep's milk allergy: Decreased inhibition of IgE- binding to goat's milk and CAS by cow's milk and CAS, but not by goat's and sheep's milk and CAS (RAST inhibition); IgE binding to allergens in goat's milk at 22, 27, and 31 kDa, in sheep's milk at 31 kDa and cow's milk at 34 kDa (SDS-PAGE immunoblot) Umpierrez et al. 1999


7 Allergen Sources
Reported Adverse Reactions References
Inhalation of Proteins
A young man with IgE-mediated allergy to milk, caseins, and beta-lactoglobulin experienced respiratory crisis every time he milked his sheep (1)
(1) Vargiu et al. 1994
Goat's and Sheep's Cheese
Several allergic reactions after ingestion of feta (cheese made from sheep's milk) in a 15-year-old boy, after ingestion of sheep's or goat's cheese in a 25-year old patient, both tolerated ingestion of diary procucts from cow's milk  (1)
Allergic reactions after eating goat's cheese and after touching of goat's and sheep's cheese in a 2-year-old girl with tolerance to dairy products from cow's milk (2)
A young adult male had severe a anaphylactoid reaction after eating goat's cheese; goat's and  sheep's milk elicited mainly oral pruritus while cow's milk and cheese was well tolerated (3)
(1) Wüthrich & Johansson 1995
(2) Umpierrez et al. 1999
(3) Orlando et al. 2000
Sheep's Cheese
Several anaphylactic reactions after ingestion of food containing "pecorino" cheese made from sheep's milk in a 5-year-old atopic boy unaffected by cow's milk protein allergy (1)
(1) Calvani & Alessandri 1998
Mozarella / Ricotta / Parmesan Cheese
Asthma, urticaria and rhinitis in a boy with atopic dermatitis after ingestion of mozarella cheese made from ewe's and cow's milk; several allergic reactions after ingestion of ricotta cheese containing ewe's milk and parmesan cheese made from cow's milk, respectively (1)
(1) Fiocchi et al. 1999

8 Food Allergen Labelling
Food Allergen  Labelling / Regulation Status References
International Regulations
Sheep's milk and products of these
labelling not recommended (1) (1) Codex Alimentarius Commission 1999
European Regulations
Sheep's milk and products of these
labelling not recommended (1) (1) Bousquet et al. 1998

9 References

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