Allergen Data Collection: Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 2(2): 87-122 (2000) [

7.3 Properties of Conglutin-like Protein (Ara h 2)

7.3.1 Molecular Biological Properties
Conglutin-like Protein References
Allergen Nomenclature  Ara h 2 (1) Larsen & Lowenstein 1999
Isoallergens and Variants
4 isoallergens in IEF/SDS-PAGE (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1992a
Molecular Mass
SDS-PAGE: 17 kDa  (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1992a
Isoelectric Point  pI 5.2 (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1992a
Amino Acid Sequence, mRNA, and cDNA
Ara h 2 (precursor)  
GenBank: L77197
Amino acids 157 residues (1)
mRNA 0.7 kb (1)
cDNA  717 bp (1)
* signal peptide 1-18, native protein 19-157 (1)
(1) Stanley et al. 1997
recombinant Protein
cDNA expression library:
Isolation of Ara h 2 mRNA by PCR  (1, 2)

expression in Escherichia coli:
Subcloning into pDS56/RBSII vector and expression of recombinant Ara h 2 in E.coli M15 cells (2)

Expression in bacterial cells:
Expression of recombinant Ara h 2 and mutated Ara h 2 by using procaryotic expression vector pET24 plasmid (2)

(1) Stanley et al. 1997
(2) Burks et al. 1998, 1999
(3) Kleber-Janke et al. 1999
Posttranslational Modifications
Carbohydrate content: 20% (1)
Carbohydrate composition: Galacturonic Acid, Ara, Xyl, Glu, Gal, Rha, Man, Fuc (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1992a
Biological Function
Seed storage protein (1)
(1) Stanley et al. 1997
Sequence Homology
Conglutin-gamma from lupin: 39% aa similarity (1)
Mabinlin I (chain B) from caper: 32-35% aa similarity (1)
2S-albumins from sunflower and castor bean: 34% and 30% aa similarity (1)
(1) Stanley et al. 1997

7.3.2 Allergenic Properties
Conglutin-like Protein References
Frequency of Sensitization
IgE-binding to Ara h 2 in 71-100% of patients (1)
(1) see 7.1 Sensitization to Peanut Allergens
IgE binding
2 different IgE binding sites indicated by RAST inhibition with mAb vs patients' IgE (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1995a
B-Cell Epitopes
IgE binding sites located on Ara h 2 (precursor sequence):
Peptides Positivity
in Patients
aa 15-24 (synthetic peptide) 50% (1)
aa 27-36 (synthetic peptide) 100% (1)*
aa 57-66 (synthetic peptide) 100% (1)*
aa 65-74 (synthetic peptide) 100% (1)*
dot / immunoblot (SPOTs membrane technique),
* bound more IgE from individual sera than any other epitopes (densitometry)

(1) In total 10 IgE-binding epitopes were identified (10 patients with peanut allergy)

(1) Stanley et al. 1997
Sequence Homology of B-Cell Epitopes
Epitopes 57-66 and 65-74 both contain the sequence DPYSP (1)
(1) Stanley et al. 1997
Mutational Analysis of B-Cell Epitopes
Critical aa residues for IgE binding identified by single site aa substitution:
Peptides aa Substitution Positivity
in Patients
aa 15-24 (synthetic peptide) a) Q20A
b) W22A
a) - (1)
b) - (1)
aa 27-36 (synthetic peptide) a) R28A
b) R29A
c) Q31A
d) E35A
e) R36A
a) - (1)
b) - (1)
c) - (1)
d) - (1)
e) - (1)
aa 57-66 (synthetic peptide) a) D60A
b) P61A
c) Y62A
a) - (1)
b) - (1)
c) - (1)
aa 65-74 (synthetic peptide) a) D67A
b) P68A
c) Y69A
a) - (1)
b) - (1)
c) - (1)
dot / immunoblot (SPOTs membrane technique)

(1) Pooled serum from 15 patients with peanut allergy, in total 10 epitopes analyzed with similar results

(1) Stanley et al. 1997
Allergenicity of mutated rAra h 2
Amino acids critical for IgE- binding of 4 epitopes (27-36, 39-48, 57-66, and 65-74) of Ara h 2 gene were mutated to encode alanine; recombinant mutated protein showed decreased IgE- binding from 12 of 16 sera from peanut allergic patients as compared to recombinant wild-type Ara h 2, while 3 showed similar and 1 increased IgE- binding. No difference in IgG binding to mutated and wild-type Ara h 2 (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1998b, Burks et al. 1999
T-Cell Proliferation
No difference in proliferative response of Ara h 2- specific T-cell lines from peanut sensitive patients after stimulation with mutated and wild-type Ara h 2 (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1999
T-Cell Epitopes
Specific T-cell proliferation after stimulation with (synthetic peptides): 
aa 19-28, 45-53, 96-114, and 131-139  (1)
(1) Burks et al. 1998b

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