Allergen Data Collection: Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 2(2): 87-122 (2000) [
6 Composition of Peanuts

6.1 Distribution of Nutrients (raw seeds)

For other peanut products see: USDA Nutrient Database
Nutrients: Content per 100 g    
Energy 2464 kJ (583 kcal)
Water 5.2 g
Protein 25.3 g
Lipid 48.1g
Carbohydrate 12.1 g
Fiber 7.1 g
Minerals 2.2 g

Sodium 5 mg
Potassium 750 mg
Magnesium 165 mg
Calcium 60 mg
Manganese 1 mg
Iron 2110 µg
Copper 550 µg
Zinc 3070 µg
Phosphorus 370 mg
Chloride 7 mg
Fluoride 130 µg

Iodine 13 µg
Selenium 2 µg

Carotin 10 µg
Vitamin E 9100 µg
Vitamin B1 900 µg
Vitamin B2 150 µg
Nicotinamide 15 mg
Pantothenic acid 2600 µg
Vitamin B6 300 µg
Biotin 35 µg
Folic acid 55 µg

Amino Acids
Arg 3460 mg
His 710 mg
Ile 1230 mg
Leu 2030 mg
Lys 1100 mg

Met 310 mg
Phe 1540 mg
Thr 850 mg
Trp 320 mg
Tyr 1190 mg
Val 1450 mg

Starch 5500 mg

Palmitic acid 5100 mg
Stearic acid 1300 mg
Oleic acid 22.1 g
Linolic acid 13.9 g
Linoleic acid 530 mg

Salicylic acid 1120 µg
Purines 90 mg

Reference: Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Lebensmittelchemie, Garching bei München (ed), Der kleine "Souci-Fachmann-Kraut" Lebensmitteltabelle für die Praxis, WVG, Stuttgart 1991

6.2 Proteinfraction
Proteins / Glycoproteins Amount
Soluble fractions  
albumines (water-soluble)
globulines (salt-soluble)
65 kDa Allergen 1 % of crude peanut meal (1)
Ara h 2 6 % of crude protein extract (2)
Insoluble fraction  
glutelines 10%
 References: (1) Barnett & Howden 1986, (2) Burks et al. 1992a

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