Allergen Data Collection - Update: Bird-Egg Syndrome (Egg Yolk, Feathers)
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 2(Suppl.5):1-12 (2000) []

6.3 Properties of Apovitellenin I (egg yolk)

6.3.1 Molecular Biological Properties
Apovitellenin I References
Allergen Nomenclature none  
Molecular Mass  9 kDa, tetramer 36 kDa (1) (1) Burley & Davies 1976
Isoelectric Point pI 
Amino Acid Sequence,mRNA, and cDNA
Protein Apovitellenin I
PIR: VLCH1, I50374
GenBank: J00810, J00809, M14120
Amino Acids 82 aa (1, 2)
mRNA precursor 2918 bp (4)
cDNA precursor 4961 bp (3)
(1) Dopheide & Inglis 1976
(2) Jackson et al. 1977
(3) Dugaiczyk et al. 1981
(4) van het Schip et al. 1983
Posttranslational Modifications
Disulfide bonds
formation of homodimer by interchain disulfide bond: aa 75-75 (1)
Biological Function
component of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) of egg-laying females, lipoprotein lipase inhibitor (1)

 6.3.2 Allergenic Properties
Apovitellenin I References
Frequency of Sensitization
IgE-binding to apovitellenin I in 100% of patients with egg yolk allergy (1)
(1) see 6.1 Sensitization to Allergens of Bird's Egg Yolk and Feathers

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