Allergen Data Collection - Update: Codfish (Gadus morhua)
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 2(Suppl.6): 1-18  (2000) []
7.2 Properties of Allergen M (Gad c 1)

7.2.1 Molecular Biological Properties
Allergen M References
Allergen Nomenclature Gad c 1 (1) Larsen & Lowenstein 1999
Molecular Mass 
12.328 kDa (calculated) (1)
12-13 kDa (SDS-PAGE) (2)
(1) Elsayed & Bennich 1975
(2) Hansen et al. 1996
Isoelectric Point pI 4.75 (1)
(1) Elsayed & Aas 1971
Amino Acid Sequence,mRNA, and cDNA
Gad c 1  
Amino Acids 113 (1)
(1) Elsayed & Bennich 1975
Genetic Variants / Isoforms
2 IgE-binding precipitates in CRIE (1)
(1) Aukrust et al. 1978
Posttranslational Modification
N-terminal acetylation (1)

1 mol Glucose per mol Gad c 1 (2)
Glycosylation site: aa Cys-18 (2)

(2) Elsayed & Bennich 1975
Biological Function
EF-hand calcium binding protein arranged in 3 domains (AB, CD, and EF); domains CD and EF bind 1 Ca2+ ion each; belongs to parvalbumin subfamily, propably involved in muscle relaxation (1, 4)
2 Ca++-binding sites:
site 1: aa 51 and aa 62 (5) on loop  aa 49-64 (2)
site 2:  aa 90 and 101 (5) on loop aa 88-103 (3)
(2) Elsayed et al. 1980
(3) Elsayed et al. 1981
(4) Elsayed & Apold 1983
(5) Permyakov et al. 1987
Sequence Homology
Whole sequence from Allergen M to other paralbumins:
From carp and hake aa 68 and 65 % identity (1)
From frog, turtle, chicken, and rat aa 50-60 % identity (1)
From salmon parvalbumin cDNA clone 24.1 and clone 14.1: aa 58% and 51% identity (2)
Sequence aa 90-102 from Allergen M to IgE- binding epitope 1 from Sj22.6 (allergen from Schistosoma japonicum): (aa 54 % identity,) aa 85 % homology (3)
(2) Lindstrøm et al. 1996
(3) Santiago et al. 1998

 7.2.2 Allergenic Properties
Allergen M References
Frequency of Sensitization
IgE-binding to Allergen M in 100 % (1)
(1) see 5.1 Sensitization to Codfish Allergens
B-Cell Epitopes
IgE-binding regions of Allergen M (5):

aa 13-32 (synthetic peptide) (6)
aa 33-44 (trypsin digest) (1)
aa 49-64 (synthetic peptide) (3)
aa 88-103 (synthetic peptide) (4)
aa 88-108 (trypsin digest), 62 % (a) (2)
aa 88-113 (trypsin digest), 87 % (a) (2)
aa 97-113 (trypsin digest), 15 % (a) (2)

(a) RAST inhibition of IgE- binding to Allergen M

Amino acids critical for IgE-binding
on region aa 49-64: two repetitive sequences (DEDK) and (DELK) spaced by 6 unrelated residues (7)

(1) Elsayed et al. 1976
(2) Elsayed & Apold 1977
(3) Elsayed et al. 1980
(4) Elsayed et al. 1981
(5) Elsayed & Apold 1983
(6) Elsayed et al. 1983
(7) Elsayed et al. 1991
Alteration of Allergenicity
amino acid modification:
acetylation of Tyr-30 decreased allergenic activity, modification of Arg-75 did not (1, 3)

Ca2+ binding:
Unchelating of Ca2+ with EDTA or masking of Arg-75 by cyclohexanedione condensation decreased allergenicity about 25 % (2, 3)
Reduction of IgE- binding to Allergen M after Ca2+- depletion (SDS-PAGE immunoblot) (4)

Oxidation / Deglycosylation:
Significant reduction of IgE- binding to Allergen M after periodate treatment (SDS-PAGE immunoblot) (4)

Polymerization of Allergen M deminished allergenicity  (1, 2, 3)
Polymerization of fragment TM 1 (aa 1-75) reduced allergenicity, while polymerization of fragment TM 2 (aa 76-113) to trimer increased its allergenic reactivity (1, 2, 3)

No change in IgE-binding after reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol (SDS-PAGE immunoblot) (4)

(1) Apold & Elsayed 1979
(2) Apold & Elsayed 1980
(3) Elsayed & Apold 1983
(4) Bugajska-Schretter et al. 1998

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