5.2 Properties of Bet v 1 - homolog Protein (Mal d 1)

5.2.1 Molecular Biological Properties
Bet-v-1-homologue Protein References
Allergen Nomenclature Mal d 1 (1) Larsen & Lowenstein 1999
Molecular Mass 
18 kDa (1), 17 kDa (2) (SDS-PAGE)
(1) Vieths et al. 1994c, Hsieh et al. 1995
(2) Ebner et al. 1995
Isoelectric Point pI 5.5 (1)
(1) Vieths et al. 1994c
Amino Acid Sequence, mRNA, and cDNA
Mal d 1  
SWISS-PROT: P43211 (a, b)
GenBank: Z48969 (a), X83672 (b)
Amino Acids 158 (1)
mRNA 824 bp (a), 813 bp (b)
 (a) Golden Delicious, (b) Granny Smith
(1) Vanek-Krebitz et al. 1995
(2) Hoffmann-Sommergruber et al. 1996
(3) Schöning et al. 1996
Genetic Variants
2 different isoforms from Golden Delicious and Granny Smith. Sequences from other strains (Jamba, Gloster, Royal Gala, Jonagold, and Idared) are identical to one of these isoallergens (1)
(1) Son et al. 1999
recombinant Protein
Expression in Escherichia coli:
rMal d 1 from Golden Delicious (1)
rMal d 1 from Granny Smith (2)
rMal d 1 isoallergens and mutants from Golden Delicious and Granny Smith (4)

Expression in cDNA library:
rMal d 1 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) generated from selected clones of cDNA libraries prepared from Fuji apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) (3)

(1) Vanek-Krebitz et al. 1995
(2) Schöning et al. 1996
(3) Sung et al. 1998
(4) Son et al. 1999
Biological Function
Bet v 1 family of pathogenisis-related proteins (1)
Sequence Homology
Bet v 1, major birch pollen allergen: aa 64.5% identity (1), mRNA 55.6% identity (1)
Pollen allergens from Alder (Aln g 1), Hazel (Cor a 1), and Hornbeam (Car b 1): aa 54%, 54%, and 52% identity (2)
Stress induced protein from soybean (GMH4): aa 49% identity (2)
Pea pathogenesis related protein (PEADRRA): aa 48% identiy (2)
(1) Vanek-Krebitz et al. 1995
(2) Vieths et al. 1996
Expression of Mal d 1 in fruits, peels, and mature flowers from Fuji apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) (expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from randomly selected clones of cDNA libraries) (1)
(1) Sung et al. 1998

 5.2.2 Allergenic Properties
Bet v 1 - homolog Protein References
Frequency of Sensitization
IgE-binding to Mal d 1 in 73 % and 76 % of patients (1)
(1) see 5.1 Sensitization to Apple Allergens
Allergenic Potencies
No differences in IgE binding between rMal d 1 and native Mal d 1 from Golden Delicious and Granny Smith (EAST, immunoblot) (1)
(1) Son et al. 1999
T-Cell Epitopes
Specific T-cell proliferation with:

Mal d 1 aa 141-155 (synthetic peptide) (1)

(1) Fritsch et al. 1998
Cross-reative T-Cell Epitopes from Bet v 1
Specific proliferation of rMal d 1 induced T-cell clones:
Bet v 1 aa 4-18, 13-27, 55-66, 76-90, 109-123, 142-156 (synthetic peptides) (1)
(1) Fritsch et al. 1998
T-Cells / Cytokines
69% of Mal d 1 / Bet v 1 cross-reactive T-cell clones revealed a Th2-like cytokine production pattern (26% Th0- and 5% Th1-like), none of the non-cross-reactive Mal d 1 specific T-cell clones was Th2-like (1)
(1) Fritsch et al. 1998
Alteration of Allergenicity
Strong reduction of IgE binding to single aa-mutants (S111P) of rMal d 1 as compared to non-mutated rMal d 1 from Golden Delicious and Granny Smith (EAST, immunoblot) (1)
(1) Son et al. 1999

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