6.6 Properties of Glycinin

6.6.1 Molecular Biological Properties
Glycinin References
Allergen Nomenclature none  
Molecular Mass  320-360 kDa 
6 subunits: 58-62 kDa 
each subunit: acidic polypeptide 31-45 kDa, basic polypetide 18-20 kDa 
exception: acidic subunit A5 10 kDa
(1) Brooks & Morr 1985
Isoelectric Point acidic subunits pI 4.8-5.5, basic subunits pI 6.5-8.5
estimated values according to (1) and (2)
(1) Staswick et al. 1981 
(2) Lei & Reeck 1987
Amino Acid Sequence, cDNA, and mRNA 
G1 (5) 
( A1, BX)
G2 (1)  
(A2, B1A)
G3 (4)  
(A2, B1)
G4 (3)  
(A4, A5, B3)
G (2, 5) 
(A3, B4) 
SWISS-PROT:  P04776 P04405 P11828 P02858 P04347
GenBank: M36686 X15122 X15123 X02626 M10962
Amino Acids A1a: 287 
BX: 180 
A2: 278 
B1a: 180
A: 275 
B: 180
A4: 257 
A5: 97 
B3: 185
A3: 320 
B4: 172
1743 bp 1899 bp 1786 bp
  4617 bp 3573 bp    
(1) Staswick et al. 1984a 
(2) Fukazawa et al. 1985 
(3) Momma et al. 1985 
(4) Cho & Nielsen 1989 
(5) Nielsen et al. 1989
recombinant Protein 
Expression in Escherichia coli: 
glycinin (A1aB1b and A2B1a) 57 kDa (1) 
glycinin  (A1aB1b) with modified functional and nutritional properties (2) 
Expression in Yeast:  
site-directed mutagenesis of proglycinin (A1a,B1b) (3)
(1) Fukazawa et al. 1985 
(2) Kim et al. 1990 
(3) Katsube et al. 1998
X-ray studies of recombinant proglycinin (1, 2) 
(1) Utsumi et al. 1993 
(2) Gidamis et al. 1993
Posttranslational Modifications 
Disulfide bonds 
acidic and basic subunits linked by disulfide bond: 
A2 Cys-86 to B1a Cys-7 (1) 
small glycosylated portion of glycinin (approx. 1%) (2) 
glycosylation of site-mutated proglycinin (4) 
in vitro phosphorylation of Ser-75 and Ser-117 (3)
(1) Staswick et al. 1984b 
(2) Lei & Reeck 1987 
(3) Fouques et al. 1998 
(4) Katsube et al. 1998
Genetic Variants 
at least 5 variants (see Amino Acid Sequence) (1)
(1) Staswick et al. 1981
Biological Function 
Seed storage protein (11S fraction)

 6.6.2 Allergenic Properties
Glycinin References
Frequency of Sensitization 
IgE-binding to glycinin in 90% of patients (1, 3) 
to 11S-fraction (1, 2), acidic- and basic-subunit (a) (2) 
to acidic-subunits (A1a, A1b, A2, A3, and A4) (b) (3) 
to acidic-subunit (a) (4) 
(a) immunoblot 
(b) EAST
(1) see 6.1 Sensitization to Soybean Allergens 
(2) Burks et al. 1988 
(3) Djurtoft et al. 1991 
(4) Müller et al. 1998
B-Cell Epitopes 
IgE-binding region in acidic glycinin G1 (1)
(1) Zeece et al. 1999
Allergenic Potencies 
higher IgE-binding to acidic-subunit A4 than to A1a, A1b, A2, and A3 (a) (1)  
(a) EAST
(1) Djurtoft et al. 1991
Alteration of Allergenicity 
heat treatment: 
soybeans cooked at 100°C for 2h: IgE-binding to stable acidic-subunit (a) (1) 
(a) immunoblot
(1) Müller et al. 1998

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