Allergen Data Collection: Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia chinensis)
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 1(1):35-41 (1999) [
1 Prevalence of Kiwi Fruit Allergy
Country / Subjects Sensitivity to References
France, Toulouse 
142 food allergic children
kiwi fruit 2.8% (Labial food challenge) Rance & Dutau 1997
136 latex allergic patients
kiwi fruit 16% (RAST inhibition) Brehler et al. 1997
30 patients with birch pollen associated fruit allergy
kiwi fruit  77% (EAST) Möller et al. 1997b
Gran Canaria 
142 food allergic adults 
kiwi fruit 9.9% (Clinical symptoms) Castillo et al. 1996
171 birchpollen allergic patients
kiwi fruit 3.5% (RAST) Yamamoto et al. 1995
Switzerland, Zurich 
402 food allergic adults
kiwi fruit and apple 1.5%  Wüthrich 1993
Turkey, Ankara 
61 hospital employees, 40 atopic children
kiwi fruit 22 subjects (specific Serum-IgE) Saraclar Y et al. 1998
33 latex allergic patients with associated food allergy
kiwi fruit 17% (Skin Prick Test) Beezhold et al. 1996
2 Symptoms of Kiwi Fruit Allergy
Symptoms & Case Reports References
contact urticaria 
oral and pharyngeal hypersensitivities 
localized pruritic reaction 
dysphagia, vomiting and urticaria 
acute pancreatitis 
severe generalized symptoms
Fine 1981 
Falliers 1983 
Freye 1989 
Garcia et al. 1989 
Veraldi & Schianchi-Veraldi 1990 
Novembre et al. 1995 
Shimizu & Morikawa 1995 
Yamamoto et al. 1995 
Gastaminza et al. 1998

3 Composition of Kiwi Fruit

4 Allergens of Kiwi Fruit
Proteins / Glycoproteins Allergen Nomenclature References
Actinidin (30 kDa) Act c 1 Pastorello et al. 1998
43-kDa-Allergen Act c 2 * Möller et al. 1997a
Allergens: 13, 22, 30, 67 kDa none Möller et al. 1997b
Allergens: 10-12 kDa, 20-25 kDa none Voitenko et al. 1997
Allergens: 12, 17, 24, 28 kDa none Pastorello et al. 1996, 1998
12 Allergens: 15-94 kDa none Rudeschko et al. 1998
 * proposed name not yet listed in WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature

4.1 Sensitization to Kiwi Fruit Allergens
Country / Subjects Sensitivity to References
22 kiwi allergic patients
67-kDa-Allergen 55% 
43-kDa-Allergen 68% 
30-kDa-Allergen 19% 
22-kDa-Allergen 31% 
13-kDa-Allergen 9% 
(SDS-PAGE / immunoblot)
Möller et al. 1997b
30 kiwi allergic patients
30-kDa-Allergen (Act c 1) 100% 
(SDS-PAGE / immunoblot)
Pastorello et al. 1996

4.2 Properties of Actinidin
4.3 Properties of 43-kDa-Allergen

5 Isolation & Preparation
Extract / Purified Allergens Methods References
protein extract fresh fruit homogenized in phosphate buffer, centrifuged and dialyzed Pastorello et al. 1998
protein extract fresh fruit homogenized in acetone (-40°C), precipitates washed, filtered, lyophylized and, water extracted Möller et al. 1997a
protein extract comparison of extraction buffers: phosphate-buffered saline and 
borate-buffered saline 
Voitenko et al. 1997
actinidin covalent chromatography (thiol-disulfide interchange) Thomas et al. 1995
43-kDa-Allergen (Act c 2) IEC, SDS-PAGE / electroelution Möller et al. 1997a
30-kDa-Allergen (Act c 1) and 17, 24, 28-kDa Allergens IEC Pastorello et al. 1998

6 Cross-Reactivities
Cross-Reacting Allergens Subjects / Methods References
kiwi fruit 
hazelnuts,  rye grain
2 kiwi allergic patients (RAST inhibition) Seifert et al. 1988
kiwi fruit 
hazelnuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, rye grain
8 patients with food / pollen allergy 
(immunoblot inhibition)
Vocks et al. 1993
kiwi fruit 
birch, grass and, mugwort pollen, apple, potato
2 kiwi allergic patients (1) 
3 kiwi allergic patients (2) 
(RAST inhibition)
(1) Gall et al. 1990 
(2) Gall et al. 1994
kiwi fruit 
60 kDa mugwort allergen (Art v 1)
patients with food / pollen allergy 
(RAST inhibition)
Heiss et al. 1996
kiwi fruit 
timothy pollen, birch pollen
27 kiwi allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Pastorello et al. 1996
kiwi fruit 
3 and 4 kiwi and latex allergic patients 
(RAST inhibition)
Brehler et al. 1997
kiwi allergens (43, 67 kDa) 
birch pollen (68-kDa-Allergen), apple (67-kDa-Allergen), carrot, celery
7 kiwi allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Möller et al. 1997b
kiwi allergens (10-12 kDa) 
birch pollen
15 birch pollen allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Voitenko et al. 1997
kiwi allergens (43, 67 kDa) 
avocado, banana, latex
5 kiwi allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Möller et al. 1998
kiwi fruit (15-94 kDa) 
birch, timothy, rye, and 
mugwort pollen
22 kiwi allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Rudeschko et al. 1998

7 References

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