Allergen Data Collection - Update: Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia chinensis)
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 2(Suppl.2): 1-11 (2000) [
1 Prevalence of Kiwi Fruit Allergy
Country / Subjects Sensitivity to References
France, Pierre Benite
a) 580 patients with adverse reactions to food
b) 60 cases of anaphylaxis (study period 1984-92)
a) kiwi fruit 11%
b) kiwi fruit 3.3%
Andre et al. 1994
France, Toulouse
142 food allergic children
kiwi fruit 2.8% (Labial food challenge) Rance & Dutau 1997
136 latex allergic patients
kiwi fruit 16% (RAST inhibition) Brehler et al. 1997
30 patients with birch pollen associated fruit allergy
kiwi fruit  77% (EAST) Möller et al. 1997b
Italy, Florence
54 episodes of food-dependent anaphylaxis in 44 children (age of 1 month to 16 years) (from 1994-1996)
kiwi fruit 5.6% Novembre et al. 1998
Italy, Florence
15 spina bifida patients with latex allergy
kiwi fruit 27% (SPT), 0% (RAST) Bernardini et al. 1999
Italy, Genoa
132 pollen and food sensitive patients
kiwi fruit 4.4%
(incidents of hypersensitivity)
Troise et al. 1992
171 birchpollen allergic patients
kiwi fruit 3.5% (RAST) Yamamoto et al. 1995
Spain, Gran Canaria
142 food allergic adults
kiwi fruit 9.9% (Clinical symptoms) Castillo et al. 1996
Spain, Madrid
29 plant-derived food allergic patients
kiwi fruit 41% (SPT) Diez-Gomez et al. 1999
Switzerland, Zurich
402 food allergic adults
kiwi fruit and apple 1.5%  Wüthrich 1993
Switzerland, Zurich
383 food allergic patients (study period 1990-94)
kiwi fruit 5.5% Etesamifar & Wüthrich 1998
Turkey, Ankara
61 hospital employees, 40 atopic children
kiwi fruit 22 subjects (specific Serum-IgE) Saraclar Y et al. 1998
33 latex allergic patients with associated food allergy
kiwi fruit 17% (Skin Prick Test) Beezhold et al. 1996
USA, Long Beach, CA
137 patients with latex allergy
kiwi 12.2% (convincing history after ingestion) Kim & Hussain 1999

2 Symptoms of Kiwi Fruit Allergy
Symptoms & Case Reports References
systemic reactions
anaphylaxis (2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 13), severe generalized symptoms (1)

cutaneous symptoms
angioedema (13), contact urticaria (5), localized pruritic reaction (4), rhinitis (9), urticaria (4, 9, 13)

gastrointestinal symptoms
dysphagia (4), itching of mouth and throat (9), oral allergy syndrome* (10, 11, 13), oral and pharyngeal hypersensitivities (8),  acute pancreatitis (12), swelling of lips (9), vomiting (4)

* symptoms, which could be  involved in oral allergy syndrome: local symptoms as intra-oral and lip-irritation, angioedema and systemic symptoms as rhino-conjunctivitis, urticaria-angioedema, asthma, and anaphylaxis

(1) Fine 1981
(2) Falliers 1983
(3) Freye 1989
(4) Garcia et al. 1989
(5) Veraldi & Schianchi-Veraldi 1990
(6) Novembre et al. 1995
(7) Shimizu & Morikawa 1995
(8) Yamamoto et al. 1995
(9) Möller et al. 1997b
(10) Arai et al. 1998
(11) Fahlbusch et al. 1998
(12) Gastaminza et al. 1998
(13) Diez-Gomez et al. 1999

3 Diagnostic Features
Parameters / Subjects Outcome References
IgE and Clinical Symptoms
22 kiwi allergic patients
Patients with severe clinical symptoms to kiwi fruit had moderately elevated IgE levels to kiwi fruits, whereas those with mild localized symptoms had no detectable IgE to kiwi fruits Gall et al. 1994
IgE and Clinical Symptoms
3 case reports of kiwi hypersensitivity reactions without elevated specific serum IgE- levels
(1) localized pruritic reaction, dysphagia, vomiting and urticaria (RAST 0.35 AEU/mL)
(2) anaphylaxis after kiwi ingestion (RAST 0.87 kU/L) 
(3) gastrointestinal symptoms (RAST <0.35 kU/L)
(1) Garcia et al. 1989
(2) Fahlbusch et al. 1998
(3) Möller et al. 1998
Symptoms during Prick Test
6 kiwi allergic patients
2 of 6 patients had systemic allergic symptoms during prick by prick testing with kiwi pulp Huertas et al. 1999

4 Composition of Kiwi Fruit

5 Allergens of Kiwi Fruit
Proteins / Glycoproteins Allergen Nomenclature References
Actinidin (30 kDa) Act c 1 Pastorello et al. 1998
43-kDa Allergen Act c 2 * Möller et al. 1997a
41-kDa Allergen (Putative chitinase)   Diaz-Perales et al. 1999
Allergens: 13, 22, 30, 67 kDa   Möller et al. 1997b
Allergens: 10-12 kDa, 20-25 kDa   Voitenko et al. 1997
Allergens: 12, 17, 24, 28 kDa   Pastorello et al. 1996, 1998
Allergens: 23, 30, 43, 80, 92 kDa    Fahlbusch et al. 1998
12 Allergens: 15-94 kDa   Rudeschko et al. 1998
 * proposed name not yet listed in WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature

5.1 Sensitization to Kiwi Fruit Allergens
Country / Subjects Sensitivity to References
Germany, Hamburg
22 kiwi allergic patients
67-kDa Allergen 55%
43-kDa Allergen 68%
30-kDa Allergen 19%
22-kDa Allergen 31%
13-kDa Allergen 9%
(SDS-PAGE / immunoblot)
Möller et al. 1997b
Germany, Jena
9 kiwi allergic patients
92-kDa Allergen 22%
80-kDa Allergen 44%
43-kDa Allergen 44%
30-kDa Allergen 89%
23-kDa Allergen 56%
(SDS-PAGE / immunoblot)
Fahlbusch et al. 1998
Italy, Milan
30 kiwi allergic patients
30-kDa Allergen (Act c 1) 100%
22-, 24-, 28-, 32-, 38-, and 41-kDa Allergens in 30 to 50%
12-, 14-, 17-, 20-, and 64-kDa Allergens in <30%
(SDS-PAGE / immunoblot)
Pastorello et al. 1996

5.2 Properties of Actinidin
5.3 Properties of 43-kDa-Allergen

6 Isolation & Preparation
Extract / Purified Allergens Methods References
Protein Extract fresh fruit homogenized in acetone (-40°C), precipitates washed, filtered, lyophylized and water extracted Möller et al. 1997a
Protein Extract comparison of extraction buffers: phosphate- buffered saline and
borate- buffered saline 
Voitenko et al. 1997
Protein Extract fresh fruit homogenized in phosphate buffer saline, centrifuged and dialyzed Fahlbusch et al. 1998
Protein Extract fresh fruit homogenized in phosphate buffer, centrifuged and dialyzed Pastorello et al. 1998
Actinidin covalent chromatography (thiol-disulfide interchange) Thomas et al. 1995
43-kDa-Allergen (Act c 2) IEC, SDS-PAGE / electroelution Möller et al. 1997a
30-kDa-Allergen (Act c 1)  IEC purification Fahlbusch et al. 1998
30-kDa-Allergen (Act c 1) and 17, 24, 28-kDa Allergens IEC purification Pastorello et al. 1998

7 Cross-Reactivities
Cross-Reacting Allergens Subjects / Methods References
Kiwi Fruit
hazelnuts,  rye grain
2 kiwi allergic patients (RAST inhibition) Seifert et al. 1988
Kiwi Fruit
hazelnuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, rye grain
8 patients with food / pollen allergy
(immunoblot inhibition)
Vocks et al. 1993
Kiwi Fruit
birch, grass and, mugwort pollen, apple, potato
2 kiwi allergic patients (1)
3 kiwi allergic patients (2)
(RAST inhibition)
(1) Gall et al. 1990
(2) Gall et al. 1994
Kiwi Fruit
60 kDa mugwort allergen (Art v 1)
patients with food / pollen allergy
(RAST inhibition)
Heiss et al. 1996
Kiwi Fruit
3 and 4 kiwi and latex allergic patients
(RAST inhibition)
Brehler et al. 1997
Kiwi Fruit
*potentially cross- reactive latex allergen: Hev b 5
Hev b 5, an acidic 16-kDa allergen in latex from Hevea brasiliensis with pI=3.5 shows a high degree of homology in the amino acid sequence (47% sequence identity) to an acidic protein from kiwi fruit* Akasawa et al. 1996
Kiwi Allergens
a) timothy pollen, b) birch pollen
Pooled serum and 6 sera from kiwi allergic patients:
a) Inhibition of IgE- binding to 22, 38, and 41 kDa kiwi allergens by timothy pollen extract; 
b) Inhibition of IgE- binding to 14, 22, 24, 38, and 41 kDa kiwi allergens by birch pollen extract (immunoblot inhibition)
Pastorello et al. 1996
Kiwi Allergens (43, 67 kDa)
birch pollen (68-kDa-Allergen), apple (67-kDa-Allergen), carrot, celery
7 kiwi allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Möller et al. 1997b
Kiwi Allergens (10-12 kDa)
birch pollen
15 birch pollen allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Voitenko et al. 1997
Kiwi Fruit (23-92 kDa)
birch pollen, birch pollen carbohydrates
2 kiwi allergic patients: 23-, 43-, 80-, and 92-kDa kiwi allergens were inhibited by birch pollen extract (immunoblot inhibition)
Inhibition of IgE- binding to kiwi extract by birch pollen carbohydrates (proteinase-K digested birch pollen, ELISA inhibition)
Fahlbusch et al. 1998
Kiwi Allergens (43, 67 kDa)
avocado, banana, latex
5 kiwi allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Möller et al. 1998
Kiwi Fruit (15-94 kDa)
birch, timothy, rye, and
mugwort pollen
22 kiwi allergic patients (immunoblot inhibition) Rudeschko et al. 1998
Kiwi Allergen (41 kDa)
avocado allergen (Prs a 1, chitinase class I), latex extract
Pooled serum from latex- fruit allergic patients: Inhibition of IgE- binding to 41-kDa kiwi allergen by Prs a 1 from avocado and by latex extract (immunoblot inhibition) Diaz-Perales et al. 1999
*  not proven by inhibition-tests
Unique Allergens Subjects / Methods References
Kiwi Fruit / Birch Pollen
30-kDa allergen not cross- reactive to birch pollen extract
1 kiwi allergic patient with and 1 without birch pollen allergy, respectively (immunoblot inhibition) Fahlbusch et al. 1998
Kiwi Fruit
Children with atopic dermatitis: cross inhibition between kiwi and latex <25% in 12 latex sensitized patients (latex and avocado 100%);
no significant difference in sensitization to kiwi in 12 latex sensitized children and 20 children without specific latex IgE (RAST, RAST inhibition)
Tucke et al. 1999

8 Posttranslational Modifications
Modification Methods References
Carbohydrate Structures
Specific binding to carbohydrate epitopes by 5 out of 7 sera from kiwi allergic patients
Preincubation of kiwi extract with periodate in order to destroy carbohydrate structures: 15 to 80% reduction of IgE- binding  (EAST) Fahlbusch et al. 1998
Carbohydrate Structures
Specific binding to carbohydrate epitopes by 4 out of 5 sera from kiwi allergic patients
Preincubation of sera with proteinase-K digested  kiwi extract to obtain cross- reactive carbohydrates: IgE (EAST inhibition) Fahlbusch et al. 1998
Carbohydrate Structures
{alpha}-fucose moieties in 35-, 43-, 50-, 60-, 80-, and 92-kDa proteins
Immunodection by lectin binding from Aleuria aurantia (SDS-PAGE immunoblot) Fahlbusch et al. 1998
Asparagine-linked Glycans
in 41-kDa kiwi allergen
Detection of complex asparagine- linked glycans by class I and II chitinase- specific mAb (rabbit); IgE- binding by pooled serum from latex- fruit allergic patients (SDS-PAGE immunoblot) Diaz-Perales et al. 1999

9 Stability of Kiwi Allergens
Treatment Effects References
Kiwi Fruit
heat: 40, 60, 80, and 90°C (microwave) 
3 kiwi-allergic patients
decrease of activity with increasing temperature, 
90°C: complete loss of activity in 2 patients
Gall et al. 1993

10 References

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