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Internet Symposium on Food Allergens 2(Suppl.1): 1-29 (2000) http://www.food-allergens.de

Subscribe: Online Access
Allergen Data Collection - Update:
Hen's Egg White  (Gallus domesticus)
Authors in alphabetical order [contact information]
Hugh A.
BARKHOLT (Lyngby, Denmark)
BESLER (Hamburg, Germany)


Hen's egg white is a major cause of type I allergic reactions in man, particularly in children. Its universal application as a nutrient and food additive has caused several cases of anaphylactic reactions due to incidental ingestion. The present data collection provides an overview of prevalence data, symptoms and common sources of hidden egg white allergens in tabular form. Estimations of total frequency vary considerably with patient cohorts (case history, countries of origin) and diagnostic criteria. Detailed information about chemical and molecular biological as well as allergenic features of the relatively well- characterized four major egg white allergens (ovomucoid Gal d 1, ovalbumin Gal d 2, ovotransferrin Gal d 3 and lysozyme Gal d 4) are given. Studies of  B-cell and T-cell epitopes as well as immunoglobulin and cytokine production are summarized.
1 Prevalence of Egg White Allergy
2 Outgrowing of Egg White Allergy
3 Symptoms of Egg White Allergy
4 Diagnostic Features of Hen's Egg White Allergy
5 Therapy of Hen's Egg White Allergy
6 Composition of Hen's Egg White
7 Allergens of Hen's Egg White
7.1 Sensitization to Egg White Allergens
7.2 Properties of Ovomucoid
7.3 Properties of Ovalbumin
7.4 Properties of Ovotransferrin 
7.5 Properties of Lysozyme
8 Isolation & Preparation
9 Cross-Reactivities
10 Stability of Egg White Allergens
11 Allergen Sources
12 References

The reference lists of the Allergen Data Collections are based mainly on searches of Medline and FSTA (Food Science & Technology Abstracts) databases up to the related dates of publication. The scientific rigor of the studies listed is variable and not subject of critique or evaluation by the authors or the editor of the Allergen Data Collections. The reader should be aware of considerable problems in comparing data from different studies (eg. patient cohorts, diagnostic performances, possible flaws in allergen preparations and methodologies for allergen characterization) and is encouraged to review the original publications.
The information provided by the Internet Symposium on Food Allergens is for educational, communication and information purposes only and is not intended to replace or constitute medical advice or treatments. Neither the authors nor the editorial board of the Internet Symposium on Food Allergens is responsible for the use which might be made of the information.

copyright © 2000 by matthias besler - ONLINE PUBLISHER 
home: www.food-allergens.de